Unlike our Western medicine, Tibetan medicine, the man of the time part of nature and the human body and soul – the piece. Tibetan medicine is the oldest so far practiced medical type, which combines the most important Eastern medical traditions. This medicine, which has been nurtured for thousands of years and is now successfully share their experiences with the Western world.
Tibetan medicine is a science, art and philosophy. It is a science, because all the Tibetan medical theory is methodical and logical, it is based on man and his relationship with the surrounding environment understanding. It is art, because disease diagnosis is based on doctor’s creativity, insight, understanding and compassion. It is a philosophy, because it is the key Buddhist principles – altruism, karma and morality.
Tibetan medicine – it’s up to now alive an ancient healing art, which gained a lot of experience in how to treat today very frequently occurring diseases – metabolic disorders, chronic inflammation, cardiovascular diseases, etc. State of the art research opens Tibetan recipes secret, and clinical studies have demonstrated that medications help to defeat disease.
Why do people get sick?
Diseases interpretation of the origin of Western and Tibetan medicine is very different. Nature and the human touch of Tibetan medicine conveys the 5 elements (sa, chu, me, rLung, Nam-kha) and 3 propagules (bile, wind and phlegm) theory, forming the basis of Tibetan Medicine. If the body is the harmony of energy – we are healthy.
According to Buddhist philosophy, Tibetan medicine, all diseases caused by ignorance. Ignorance is determined by three spirits poisons – hatred, greed and delusion. Three spiritual poison disrupts the harmonious three body origins – bile (type), wind (lung) and mucus (Bedgen) balance. Both the three body are eradicated and the same human body consists of five subtle energies (earth, water, fire, air and space). The five elements of energy systems are responsible for the spirit and vitality of the body.
Healthy body between the origins prevailing balance. Health in particular, depends on the balance – of failure, the energy balance is disturbed, there is a disease of the body. Wicked behavior, bad emotions, greed, backslidings – all that is spiritual poison that result – weakening health, and ultimately – the disease. Tibetan medical therapies directed at how to keep the body balanced the Principles.
How to treat the disease?
Tibetan doctors believe that the disease caused by poor diets and lifestyle. According to them, in both developing and developed countries, diseases that have been directly or indirectly associated with poor diet and lifestyle. This statement proves diseases such as alcoholism, high blood pressure or heart disease.
The first step in the treatment of Tibetan medicine is not medicine, but the patient’s diet and lifestyle change. Medicines used when a mere change of behavior patterns is not enough and the disease is far advanced.
When treating a patient is to update the misaligned body systems balance the elements and thereby substantially overcome the disease. True Multi-Tibetan-drugs are. When producing Tibetan medicines used by several thousand species of medicinal plants, several hundred minerals, some of the raw materials of animal origin. Normally Tibetan-product contains from three to several components, however, is consisting of the 160 and parts. Multi-drugs is stronger than one ingredient, because each herb works for a different disease link and thereby enhances the effectiveness of the treatment. In addition, reduction in the use of individual substances in doses lower rate of side effects. Tibetan-drugs are usually powders, pills, ointments and oils in the form of unusual shapes and us – for example, medicated incense.
Tibetan and Western medicine. Is it compatible?
Tibetan medicine is gradually gaining popularity in the West. The most important thing is to be able to pick from Tibetan medicine all that is in the best interest of what can complement Western medicine, especially the Tibetan medical techniques compatible we are well familiar – Western medicine. Over the past years we have gained a lot of knowledge and information about Tibetan medicine safety, the impact on the human body, medicines and so on. Various recent studies show that Tibetan medicine used drugs are useful in treating a variety of diseases and can complement Western medicine used for medicines in the ranks, particularly for those diseases, from which Western medicine effective medicines yet. These two types of medicines from not only compatible and can successfully complement each other.
Tibetan medicine and Switzerland.
With the help of Tibetan medicine foothold in the Western world medical system and make long wasted knowledge accessible to Westerners, mostly deserved Switzerland. In this country Medicines Control Agency legalized “Tibetan-drug” category. In addition, the only pharmaceutical company in Europe, producing herbal medicines on Tibetan medical recipes, “Padma AG, also based in Switzerland.
“Padma AG, the company’s mission – to promote the traditional Tibetan medicine and to prove this old art treatment efficacy of advanced research methods and thus to achieve its full recognition in the Western world. One of the most important element in this work is an ongoing scientific cooperation and Tibetan doctors. It promotes mutual understanding and reveal opportunities for both parties. This Swiss company products are manufactured according to international quality standards and are exported to various European countries, the USA and Canada. Tibetan-Sanskrit word Padma means lotus flower.
From http://www.sveikaszmogus.lt