Product Description
Toothpaste ‘Phoenix’ with Cordyceps and Linchzhi Extracts – is the result of “Fohow” research institute long-standing searches. Cordyceps and Linchzhi extracts has a unique regulatory effect, normalizes the oral micro flora. Prophylactic use of this toothpaste prevents formation of the wounds in oral cavity., gum inflammation, helps to avoid unpleasant breath and tooth decay.
«FOHOW» Toothpaste – newest achievement obtained through many years of research of a team of experts SRI FOHOW, includes extracts of Cordyceps, Linzhi and extracts of many other plants – plant glycosides and phenols. Due to its scientific formulation, it has a bi-directional regulatory influence of the double normalization of oral bacterial background. This is the third generation toothpaste.
Special effects:
Bi-directional regulatory action: Cordyceps and Linzhi have an obvious bi-directional regulation dramatically improves your oral health.
Double normalization of bacterial background: plant glycosides eliminate harmful microbes in the mouth, clean the mouth of protozoan parasites, reduces repeated reproduction of microbes.
Preventive teeth strengthening: extracts of Cordyceps, Linzhi in combination with natural plant ingredients warn and help get rid of bleeding gums, mouth ulcers, periodontitis, bad breath, pain in the gums, dental caries.
Purification of the oral cavity: an extract of Cordyceps, Linzhi and plant glycosides, effectively promote oral health, brush teeth and maintain cleanliness of the mouth, prevent repeated reproduction of microbes, maintain healthy teeth.
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